Goals and scope

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In order to further strengthen international relations, India and ASEAN is under the process of developing the ASEAN-India Innovation Platform (AIIP), to encourage Innovation Exchange, Technology Transfer, Knowledge Sharing, and Trade Facilitation between India and ASEAN Countries.

The ASEAN-India Innovation Platform which basically aims to covert an Idea into a solution, shall have following components :

  • Social Innovation (coordinated by NIF, Ahmadabad)
  • Research Innovation (coordinated by NRDC, New Delhi
  • Product/Industry Innovation (FICCI, New Delhi)

Activities Involved

  • Activities leading to Idea sourcing, harnessing leading to technology development and solution to common challenges of societal relevance.
  • Projects leading to Inclusive Innovation (Identify and provide support to cutting edge innovations towards affordable product development that can bring significant social impact and address challenges of inclusive growth.
  • Networking of Innovators and Innovation mentors (foster a pool of social innovators and provide a platform to share best practices, understand intricacies of business models in social innovation and network.
  • Networking of Innovation Hubs/Centres, Technology Business Incubators (TBI), Technology Incubation Centres, S&T Start-ups, SMSE etc, entrepreneurship development etc
  • Technology transfer and commercialisation (converting research results into product/service)
  • Information sharing and other Services (IPR, Technology transfer & management etc)
  • Institute Challenge Awards for addressing persistent problem of the region with regards to meeting unmet social, environmental and other futuristic needs